Monday, April 14, 2014

It's Alive!

I have plans to update the blog... Expect a new post this week and after that, I plan on regular updates. :)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Oh My...

I need to update. I'll go into more detail later, but for now...

My children are beautiful, my husband is amazing and I am very happy. :)

Monday, September 20, 2010

From The Mouth of Oliver

Oliver asked me the other day how the new baby was going to get here. I said, "Mama will go to the doctor and she will help me get the baby out of my belly." His response was, "Yes, but is she going to come in the door or what?" I guess he just wanted a really simple answer, haha.

Earlier this week I told Oliver, "It's bed time."  His response was, "No thank you.  I'm okay being awake."

I pointed to the wall and asked Oliver who drew on it.  He answered, "A cute little boy."  At least he's not a liar, right?

Friday, September 3, 2010

Friday, Friday...

So, uh, that 5 on Friday thing didn't work out so well.  I'll give it another shot.

1- I feel like a whale.  I don't think this belly of mine could get any bigger.
2- Olie is obsessed with Max and Ruby.  We have 12 episodes recorded right now.  We watch like 6 of them daily.  I can quote each episode in it's entirety.
3- Spencer's new job at Meadow Gold is awesome.  Well, the paychecks are - he works a ton though!
4- My birthday was yesterday.  It was a really really good day. =)
5- Only an hour until Olie's bedtime.  I think I will go to bed very shortly after, I'm exhausted today.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Day 17: An Art Piece

I'm not really a big "art" person.  I do remember thinking Ansel Adams had some gorgeous pictures when I took a photography class in high school.  Yeah, if you're interested, Google it. :)

Five on Friday

A friend of mine does Ten on Tuesdays on her blog.  I am going to start small and do Five on Fridays instead (four is more realistic, but five seems much less lazy).  Basically, you write stuff.  Sounds easy enough, I suppose.

1- Spencer's birthday was Wednesday.  He's 24 - he says he's old.  Whatever.

2- My birthday is in like 5 weeks, I'll be 24.  I don't think it's that old.

3- 22 days until I get to see Something Corporate.  Last time I went to a concert and was pregnant, it didn't end well for me.  This one better be good!

4- I'm 28 weeks pregnant this week and I have an ear infection - life could get better.

5- Every day, I get more and more sick of living in this apartment.  I'm really glad we moved out when we did, but I really don't like it here.  And when we have 2 kiddos, we'll be stepping all over each other if we don't get to move.

Woo hoo!  I did it!  Hopefully I'll remember to do it again next week. :)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Funny Kid

Here are some funny things Oliver has said in the past week or so:
-Olie was sitting on his potty in front of the TV wiggling. I asked him what he was doing and he said, "I wanted to dance, but I really had to pee." Hahaha! Where does he come up with this stuff?
-Me: "Olie, stop hitting the blinds or you'll go in time out."
Olie: "It wasn't me, it was my broom!"
-"Mama, when is baby Paisley coming?  We have all of her stuff here."
-Oliver woke up at 2am and we had this conversation:
"Olie, it's night-night time. See how it's dark outside?"
"It's not THAT dark, mama. Let's watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse." 
 Oh, I love this kid. :)

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Here is another picture from Whitney's wedding.  Oliver and all his cousins (except Ethan) on Spencer's side.  (L-R: Trevor, Kyle, Oliver, Lincoln, Whitney, Logan, Kyleigh and Jade)  Yeah, I guess Whitney isn't his cousin though, lol.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Just In Case You Forgot...

I swear, I have the cutest little boy ever.  I can't imagine that he'll get any cuter, but he surprises me all the time. :)  Here he is at my sister in law's wedding on Friday.


I'm still trying to figure out when he got so big.  I think it must have been last week though.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


As of today, I'm halfway done with this pregnancy.  I'm feeling much better!  Oliver is always very excited to remind me that my belly is getting bigger, too.  He's going to be such a GREAT big brother, I can't wait!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Day 16: A Song That Makes You Cry

Wow, some of these are hard... I really can't think of a song that makes me cry.  I'll come back to this one, too.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Day 15: A Song That Represents Something Significant

Hmmm... I don't really have one in particular.  I like Christmas songs for the most part though, they remind me of when I was little.  Christmas and Christmas Eve were always fun days growing up.  Seeing all my grandparents, aunts and uncles and cousins.  It was fun!

Day 14: A Non-Fictional Book

The only non-fiction books I've read recently are pregnancy books and that isn't very exciting.  If I think of anything good, I'll post it.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice...

The baby is a girl! We found out today...

So, let's hope she stays a girl.

Paisley Clarine Young will be here around October 20th! We're so freaking happy!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Day 13: A Fictional Book

I'm assuming I'm supposed to write about a fictional book that I like, right? Not just pick a random one. Anyway, I haven't read a book for a long time that wasn't a children's book. Oh well. I really enjoy reading with Oliver and he loves it, too. This is one of our favorite books to read together. It's a really cute book.